2024 Has drawn to a close, and it has been an extremely difficult year



Over the last couple of years JMG has seen an explosive increase in demand of our services and time, which is partly due to Porsche Centre Bournemouth moving into their new building just the other end of Cobham Road in Ferndown from where we have been based for the last 12 years, increasing awareness of our existence to new customers.

If we were in the business of selling nuts and bolts, the solution to matching this demand would have been to just order more nuts and bolts to sell. But unfortunately we are in the business of converting technical expertise into repaired Porsche cars, but unfortunately obtaining excellent technicians to increase supply, is not as easy as ordering more nuts and bolts.

2024 in particular has been additionally difficult due to this Family run business suffering the passing of two elderly parents due to illness, which not only subjected two key members of staff to a great deal of emotional pain, but also understandably had these key members absent from the business.

These two factors caused a perfect storm of demand and enquiries being fielded by JMG Porsche completely swamping our abilities to respond to enquiries, with us having to make the choice of working on customers cars, or answering telephones and emails.

A simple choice may have seemed to be one of hiring someone to just answer the phones and respond to emails. We tried that, however without that person having technical knowhow and experience of Porsche cars, we actually increased our problems by turning telephone calls and emails into a physical person interrupting a technician, distracting them from working on the customers cars.


The solution is a work in progress.

What we have learned from this situation is that in 2025 we will need to focus our strengths, which will also result in changes which will not be popular with everyone, as we can no longer be all things to all Porsche owners, but the changes will be for the better.

It may seem unusual in business to list the reasons why you should not call or email JMG Porsche, but the first step in these changes is let all Porsche owners know why we might not be the right Porsche specialist for them, and therefore reduce the number of enquiries we get which might not be the best use of your time or ours.

* We are not cheap - Our hourly rate is priced somewhere between that of a typical Porsche specialist and that of the main dealers, which is also more expensive than the average repair garage. But we believe we offer the very best in knowledge, experience, skill and quality of parts. Asking us for a price to perform a job, just to see if we are the most competitive on price alone could be a waste of your time and ours.

* We do not fit customer supplied parts - If a customer supplies parts there are numerous issues which come into play. Liability, Quality, a supply paper trail, and the part even being right are all loose ends that any good garage should be careful of. If there is a specific part you would like us to use, let us know in advance of your appointment, and we can order it from wherever you were thinking of buying it, but if you already have the part, we will not install it.

* We only work for nice people - Most of our customers over the decades have been very nice people, but the minority of Porsche owners can be bad people at their core, the kind that will be dishonest, disrespectful, or in some cases bullying in the hope that we might prioritise them over other customers. This has worked for some customers in the past, who might threaten a bad review if we do not comply, which has resulted in sometimes those who shout loudest get the most prompt service, at the expense of the patient, loyal. honest and nice customers.

* We will not cut corners - As well as some customers wanting to find the cheapest repair, some customers would like to have the minimum work performed to keep costs down, which might not be compatible with proper repair standards. A good example is the replacement of steering and suspension components, where changing just one spring is a bad idea and potentially unsafe and will undermine the excellent handling, road holding and stability of your Porsche, and changing the springs in matching parts is the proper way of performing a safe and sensible repair. Beyond this, if one of our customers sells their car, a potential buyer needs to be assured that our invoice in the service history is proof that the job has been performed properly. If you would like corners cut while your car is worked on, for the purposes of speed or price, another garage or specialist may be a better fit for you.

* We are often booked up for weeks in advance - Normally if you provide plenty of notice you can often pick and choose your appointment date, but if you need something done urgently we should be able to do it, but we might need you to understand that existing bookings take priority here, which means it might not happen right away.

* Diagnosis Authorisation - If you book your car in for a problem to be diagnosed, we will ask for a minimum of two hours labour to be authorised for initial diagnosis of each fault. We might not need this much time, you might not be charged for this much time, but if we are to assign a technician to diagnose a fault, we need to allow them to delve into the problem without constantly stop the process to ask for more time, which not only burns valuable time, but also interrupts the technicians focus. Once diagnosis is complete, the technician will call or email you with the findings. In some cases even more time may be requested if more time is needed.

* If your car is here, we may need you to answer our emails or calls - We are often booked up for weeks in advance but keep some room in the schedule to be able to perform additional repairs that are not expected. If we contact you by email for authorisation to make repairs, or with recommendations for repair, if there is a delay in your reply, you may loose those gaps in our schedule, without more availability for weeks, which may delay your car being completed, but what's more we might need to reassemble your car at your expense so it can be moved off of a lift, so other cars can be worked on. It is ok to ask for time to think about it, or even to ask questions or say "No" to the repairs. If this is not acceptable, then another specialist may be better for you.

* Repair Authorisation clarity - We will not start repairing your car until we have clear authorisation to proceed, ideally via email, so we are absolutely sure that you understand the costs and there will be no misunderstanding later. A simple "Yes, please proceed" or a "No thank you" is good enough, being vague will not result in repairs proceeding.

* Used Car Warranty Repairs - If you have purchased a car from a used car dealer, who has provided a used car warranty, we are happy to help, but there are some issues with what the warranty companies will and will not pay for. They expect a lower hourly rate than even normal garages charge, they will often not pay for diagnosis, they will not pay for time we spend administrating your cars claim, such as being on hold, taking photographs for them and other hoops they will expect garages to jump through which are time consuming. In these cases we usually arrange for the warranty company to pay you for their contribution to repairs, and that you pay our invoice. Any time spent on your claim will be itemised on the invoice, even if it is for being on the telephone to the warranty company listening to "on hold" music for half an hour, at our usual hourly rate.

* Tyres, Body repairs, valeting, detailing, alloy wheel repairs and selling cars are not things we do - We can recommend good businesses that can provide these services, but us providing them or being a middle man is not a good use of our time.

* There are some classic models we no longer work on - They are the 356, 912, 914, 916, 928 and very early pre fuel injection 911 models. We have the knowledge, we have the tools and experience, but they are such infrequent visitors today that we do not stock parts for them, and there are specialists out there who specialise in these models.

* We do not currently work on fully electric Porsche - New faults, diagnostic procedures, recalls/campaigns are still developing for these models at the main dealers, and although we are keeping up to date with these cars, we believe they should continue to be supported by the main dealers until they and their technology have matured and settled down.

* Servicing every year - Servicing by the most experienced Porsche technicians is more important than you might realise. Simple problems are faster and less expensive to deal with is caught early, rather than when they have developed into a breakdown. To help us to not be spending our time dealing with disasters, help us by having your car serviced with us on a yearly basis and follow recommendations.

* We might include some unexpected but real expenses within our estimates and invoices - If for example you have a classic Porsche, some parts that your car may need, may be a problem to source parts for, where the Porsche factory and the aftermarket may have discontinued production. In some cases even routine wearing parts may be unavailable, so sometimes we may have to spend additional time researching or sourcing parts, which may sometimes attract a charge for this time. But likewise, you may have a modern Porsche model with an very unusual problem, which may require time pouring over electrical wiring diagrams to analyse where an electrical fault may be linked to. This time also will be described and listed on your invoice, as it will be a genuine use of our time.


Now some reasons to use JMG Porsche...

* All the reasons listed for NOT choosing us - If you read the list of reasons not to choose us as your Porsche specialist and thought "These are exactly the reasons why I do want to use them" then it sounds like we are already a great fit.

* Experienced technicians - Our senior technician has over 35 years full time experience on all models of Porsche, is a second generation technician who grew up having stripped down his first engine at just 6 years old, so you could say he has 48 years experience. He has been obsessed with developing his skills, knowledge and understanding way beyond what you will find elsewhere from a Porsche technician, he can not just remap your car, he can program custom software for it, diagnose repair or modify the control units at component level. He also can use machine tools such as lathes to make tools to repair parts of your car at component level and invests his time supporting and training other technicians at JMG in their development also. Jon is also a published Author and technical advisor to Porsche clubs and the media.

* Special equipment and tools - Including main dealer tools and devices, but also custom made equipment to solve unique problems not available elsewhere.

* The highest quality parts - We do not have the time to fit a part twice, so we believe in using the highest quality parts available, which often will be Genuine Porsche parts, unless there is a better alternative that we can offer.

* High standards - As mentioned we will not cut corners or compromise on quality of workmanship, even if a customer asks us to.

* More time for your needs - As we actively try to repel the wrong kinds of customers from burning our limited time, we can concentrate more time on our customers who are the right fit.

* Value for money - We mentioned we are not cheap, but that does not mean that we are bad value for money, quite the opposite, quality workmanship, expert diagnosis and high quality parts actually provide good value for money and longer term reliability.

* Every Porsche is equal - If the customer owns a 924 or a 992 GT3 they are just as important in our eyes, it does not matter if it is rough around the edges, or in pristine condition, again it is equal, as long as the customer would like the car to be as good as it can be, even if this has to be in stages and too a budget, you and your car will have out utmost respect and appreciation. Our job satisfaction is just as great in improving a old model in need of love, as our efforts to maintain an almost new supercar is always being as good as new.

* Servicing beyond the schedule - The service schedule for your Porsche was designed to see it through the first few years of it's life (and the warranty), with only specific items getting attention during a service based on the original service schedule. At JMG we have experienced your model evolve over the years and what kinds of problems develop later in life, these potential problem areas are added to the things we look at on your model, with our service schedule covering decades into a Porsche model lifespan, rather than just a few years.

* We genuinely want to help you - The human element is important to us, which means that if you are in distress and in need of our help, we can often go beyond the call of duty, even if that means we have to put in extra effort and time to reduce your stress and make your wishes come true. Nobody needs a Porsche, they are a little like babies, they do not provide a function that you can not get elsewhere, but they do represent something for you, it could be your dreams, your reward for hard work, or any number of reasons, that it is our job to respect and help those reasons remain positive and possible.


If we seem like a good fit, then please email us as your first port of call, sometimes we might be too busy to answer the phone, but if you would like a call back, leave a voicemail.


JMG Porsche, Independent Porsche specialists for modern classics through to the very latest models.


Porsche servicing, diagnosis, repairs and modifications.


With our roots going back to the early 1970's, we are a family run independent Porsche Specialist spanning three generations.

We have the same or better equipment, training and technical information access as enjoyed by the main dealers, while remaining friendly, honest and with a common sense approach.

Call us on 01202 488800 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your requirements.






